We will show you how you can create a new healthy living environment within your home for yourself, your family and your pets by simply re-structuring the airwaves around you and by re-structuring the water you drink.
EMF SOLUTIONS are designed to re-introduce the invisible natural life forces and energies back into your home environment. Harmful EMF Radiation and any harmful chemical or molecular structures contained within your water supply will be eliminated or at least heavily reduced using our various restructuring options.
Our mission is to find and share crucial information and amazing, affordable products that can fulfil our objectives below. Most products follow the natural laws of nature and physics. All the products we promote have been well trialled and tested. Some have taken 25 years and millions of dollars to develop. Some have been tested in universities or hospitals. Some have won scientific awards and international accolades. Some have been used and reviewed by doctors and NASA workers. Some have also been trialled on our own family and pets.
My dam was always a dirty, mirky colour with zero visibility. After putting a HWTA Water Energiser – Commercial Edge in the centre of the dam over a submersible pump I can now see the bottom of the dam through the clear water. It has changed the appearance so now the dam is a water feature! Thank you for creating the Home Edge commercial version!
- Don Chisholm – Oxenford, Queensland AUSTRALIA
I purchased the HWTA Home Edge and fitted it to our main water supply at our home in the UK.
We noticed instantly the water tasting so much better and we also noticed the water feeling softer on our skin.
We love this Australian product
- William and Theresa J – Liverpool, England UNITED KINGDOM
I have 2 children four and 20 months old we have noticed a huge difference since we have had the Home Edge device fitted to our home. The kids love drinking the water and our little one that does not talk yet takes his cup to the sink for us to fill it up. The smell and the taste of the water is unbelievable. We recommend anyone with young kids to fit the HWTA Home Edge.
- Jade C – Ormiston, Queensland AUSTRALIA
We just launched another shuttle tonight and I went through an evening of stress without “going down the tubes”. (I still have energy and am not tired). There is still some effect on me from the EMF in these areas but the improvement in the last two days is amazing. The first day I noticed that the leg cramps were mostly gone
- D Watkins, JPL, NASA